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New Expanded Encaustic Workshop Sessions Now Open For Enrollment!

I’m pleased to share that I have 4 new Encaustic Workshops scheduled for the winter 2018 season at Valley Art Center! By popular demand I am expanding the workshop to three hours so there is more time for experimentation with this fascinating hot wax painting medium. We were consistently sold out in 2017 so don’t wait too long to sign up. Workshops are limited to six participants.

Have you already taken this workshop? You are welcome to sign up again. Many participants have repeated this workshop multiple times. Just bring your current work in process and continue to work at your own pace. The workshop schedule is as follows:

Saturday, January 13 | 10:00am-1:00pm

Saturday, February 17 | 10:00am-1:00pm

Saturday, March 24 | 10:00am-1:00pm

Saturday, April 21 | 10:00am-1:00pm

Encaustic is an ancient painting technique that offers a lifetime of versatile possibilities. We will cover the basics of creating with both pigmented and unpigmented encaustic paint. Other topics briefly covered will be history, contemporary methods, materials and equipment, and safe working practices.

A highlight of the workshop will be experimenting with the photocopy transfer process. You may bring one or more images copied on a toner-based photocopier (not an inkjet printer). Photocopies can be either black and white or color. A selection of encaustic- ready boards to paint on will be available to purchase the morning of the workshop or you can bring your own (8” x 10” or smaller due to space limitations.)

Valley Art Center (440.247.7507) is located at 155 Bell Street in beautiful Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Click on the VAC link to sign up, but don’t wait too long! My 2017 sessions sold out fast. See you in 2018!

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